Friday, November 30, 2007

Organization Letters

To Whom It May Concern:

I am currently a student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fl and I came upon your website when I was doing research for a paper about transgendered individuals. I want to commend you on your site which was extremely helpful and provided a lot of useful information about the discrimination transgendered people face. The extent to which people will go to for hate is unbelievable to me and I simply do not understand it.

Being surrounded by so much hatred towards others who are different, especially the gay community, I am interested to know what you think I can do as a college student to help change this. Helping others open their minds to accept all types of people is really something I would like to strive for so please get back to me with any suggestions you may have on how I could possibly accomplish this in any way small or large. Thank you for reading this, I look forward to your response.


Nella D.


To Whom It May Concern:

I am currently a student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fl and I came upon your website when I was doing research for a paper about transgendered individuals. It was very easy to locate the section I was interested in, understand quite clearly what was written and generally explore your site. Thus, I would like to commend you on your site which was extremely helpful and provided a lot of useful information about what exactly it is to be transgendered and clarified the true meanings of common terms associated with gender in general that I was previously unsure about.

I am curious to know more about the extent of discrimination towards the transgender community, and if you think it is becoming more tolerant today or less through out the whole U.S. and not just major cities. As well I was wondering if there were any studies done that show any difference between that of a transgendered person's brain verse a non-transgendered heterosexual person, or if their mind was any different from that of anyone else? Thank you for taking the time to read this, looking forward to your response.


Nella D.


To whom it may concern:

I am currently a student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fl and I came upon your website when I was doing research for a paper about transgendered individuals. I want to commend you on your site which was extremely helpful and provided a lot of useful information about what it is to be transgendered and clarified the true meanings of common terms associated with gender in general that I was previously unsure about. I had a friend who was transgendered, which was the source of my inspiration for the paper I wrote, and she was part of SoFUQT (South Florida United Queers and Trannies) so it was cool to see another gender queer community in another state. I also really like the idea of an open mic night where the gender queer topic would be openly acceptable and I think that that level of acceptance would provide a certain comforting vibe which is always good to have when expressing your emotions to a crowd of people.

I was curious to know if you knew about any term for someone who felt like both a girl and boy, because I remember someone mentioning that they felt like that but do not really know exactly if there is any term associated with it and have not been able to find out?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, looking forward to your response.


Nella D.

1 comment:

Gfunk said...

i like your letters, you seem really interseted in this subject, i hope you get a response! ;)