Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Timed Writing

Danella Durieux
Analytic and Persuasive Writing
December 2007

Timed Writing
My topic was on the transgender lifestyle and what exactly it means to be transgendered. My purpose for Project 3 was and is to further educate people on transgenderism and demonstrate how although the world is comprised of much diversity we are all still very much the same. I used several ways to express my view on transgenderism as well as relay information about it that consisted of a blog, letters, and a fable. In addition, some additional sources that helped me mold Project 3 into a resourceful facet for transgenderism were my transgender friend, my teacher and various websites.
The blog that I created in Project 3 strives to reach out to others and create a sense of awareness in their mind and heart that everyone is different in some way, as well as the same, from someone else. On my blog I have my paper on transgenderism, letters to three transgender supportive organizations, my fable and various additions that try to enhance ones general knowledge on transgendered individuals. Some of these additions include a web link to the very hilarious Eddie Izzard, a comedian who enjoys dressing in drag (women’s clothing and make-up) and racking up laughs. I also put a picture of Caroline Cossey, a former Bond girl who is a transgender, so that anyone who read my paper or did not could see how hard it is to determine whether someone is transgendered or not, to prove that it does not really matter.
Three letters to organizations also appear on my blog, which were sent to commend the site creators on their effective way of clearly conveying information on transgendered individuals as well as posing a question of them about transgenderism that I had further thoughts about. These letters went to the American Psychological Association, Human Rights Campaign and Gender Crash. The fable was the other element of Project 3 where I created an activity for any of the middle school students to do. I instruct them to draw what they think a man and a woman look like, with five items or characteristics that they associate with each gender. After, the students should explain why they chose those items and then think of scenarios in which the opposite gender would have said characteristics or use those items. This activity should teach the students how diversity is based on an individual and not their gender.
Outside sources such as my transgendered friend, my teacher and other websites helped a lot to create Project 3. My transgendered friend inspired the whole project as well as provided me with general knowledge on the topic before I researched it. My teacher helped when I could not clearly express my ideas, to better focus my thoughts especially with my fable. As well, additional websites such as Gender Crash and the other organizations I mentioned gave me lots of information and showed me that there is support out their for transgendered individuals.
In conclusion, I used different elements in Project 3 to better convey transgenderism to everyone in addition to my paper, with the help of additional sources that enhanced the quality of the project.

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